Recent Transactions

Are you missing some recent transactions? If so, raise a ticket and we will look into it for you.

Date Merchant Status Value
09 Jan 2019 AliExpress Received £18.06
08 Jan 2019 Waitrose & Partners Received £28.06
07 Jan 2019 Admiral - Home Insurance Received £38.06
06 Jan 2019 ASOS Confirmed £48.06
05 Jan 2019 Santa's Lapland Confirmed £58.06
04 Jan 2019 Moonpig Pending £68.06
03 Jan 2019 Boots Pending £78.06

Withdrawal Requests

Date & Time Status Value
09 Jan 2019, 14:26 Pending £15.00
09 Jan 2019, 17:48 Processing £25.00
08 Jan 2019, 09:54 Transferred £35.00

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